Monday, October 31, 2011

Tapper - when all your injuries come out and your just plain tired. So, it is so easy to forget what I felt like 2 years ago when I was tapering for a ironman and even easier to be stress about how I'm feeling at the moment. This week was our first real week of taper and for me all the aches and pains I've been avoiding have come on strong. My ankle seems to be the most significant of all. I'm hoping that 20 days of rest will allow me to be Ok on race day and I am planning to do just that - REST my ankle and hopefully my mind.

Bright spots in my week were a 1 hr and 25 minute swim in a VERY cold (much like Arizona ) lake on Tuesday. I will admit for me this year the swim seems to be my biggest mental block. I had a really difficult swim in a race in early July and since that day I have struggled more than once in open water. I know it is all mental and I think I may have finally kicked it but I worry that come race day I am going to have to work hard to keep my head in the game for the swim and not panic in the water. Thanks to my good friend Michelle I got in a good open water swim and was able to keep a pretty consistent pace for it.

PR'd a 10K this weekend ... hoping that all these PR's are a sign of good things to come. I got a 1:02:04 for many that would still be really slow but for me that it was great, very close to 10 minute mile pace. In the past I have really fought to get under a 11 min mile on any distance over 3 miles. A few weeks ago I PR'd a 1/2 marathon and then my 1/2 ironman 2 weeks later so I want to believe that all things considered I am really ready for this Ironman and it will be a good day.

My personal a professional life continues to be turbulent and frustrating so my goal in November is to quite the voices and allow myself to let things just be what they are until after the race in December. I know that is easier said than done but starting today that is my goal.

Looking forward to a 60 mile ride today that I didn't get in this weekend due to the weather and then a pretty easy week ahead.

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